Info! Please note that this translation has been provided at best effort, for your convenience. The English page remains the official version.

As part of our ongoing effort to improve our services, we invite you to participate in the 2018 AFRINIC Stakeholders survey, open from 16 October -31 December 2018.. The survey will seek to understand our membership and community perceptions and expectations on AFRINIC services and operations.

Please take the survey by clicking on the link here:


The survey contains 38 questions and should take 20-25 minutes to complete.

The survey will be conducted by an independent research organization, DCDM Research in line with the GDPR and 2017 Mauritius Data Protection Act guidelines.


Your feedback is extremely valuable and will help us to improve our ability to serve you.

We look forward to your participation.





New version of AFRINIC Internet Routing Registry Released

AFRINIC has released a new version of its Routing Registry service <>.

This new version has removed the need for the ASN holder to authorise route or route6 objects.

Previously, route and route6 objects had to be authorised by both the holder of the IPv4 or IPv6 address space, and the holder of the ASN. In the case that the ASN and the address space were held by different organisations, then there was a process for semi-authorised objects to be held for seven days pending complete authorisation. In the case that the ASN was not issued by AFRINIC, then hostmaster staff had to authorise the route or route6 objects.

After discussion in AFRINIC's database working group <>, and checking the practices of other Internet Routing Registry services, AFRINIC has decided to remove the need for the ASN holder to authorise any route or route6 objects in the AFRINIC IRR. The route or route6 objects still need to be authorised by the address space holder, using the password associated with the mnt-routes or mnt-lower fields in the associated inetnum or inet6num object. The address holder is responsible for maintaining the accuracy of the route(6) objects in the AFRINIC IRR.

These changes have been reflected in the updated version of the AFRINIC Internet Routing Registry Guide.



Implementation of the policy 'Lame delegations' in AFRINIC reverse

The policy "Lame delegations in AFRINIC reverse DNS" has been ratified on 21 March 2018.

The policy ensures that lame delegations appearing in the reverse DNS are acted upon by equipping the WHOIS with automatic checks, notifications to admin-c, tech-c and zone-c contacts of domain objects and removal of lame delegations after 30 days.

On day 1 of every month, a fresh scan of WHOIS domain objects is performed and checks made for lame delegations. During the next 30 days, multiple lameness checks are performed. Up to 4 notifications are sent to admin-c, tech-c and zone-c contacts of domain objects with lame delegations as long as the lame delegations are detected, allowing them to act upon them.

AFRINIC has published a manual <> for members to act on the lame delegations. At the end of the 30-day period, remaining lame delegations are automatically removed from the WHOIS.

These features have been deployed in the WHOIS.


Publication of AFRINIC Internet Routing Registry Guide

We are pleased to announce the publication of a guide on AFRINIC’s Internet Routing Registry. AFRINIC Members who use the RIPE NCC database and who are impacted by the upcoming changes in the out-of-region objects in the RIPE NCC database will be able to use the information from the guide to proceed with the migration of their route objects to the AFRINIC IRR.

Migrate to AFRINIC IRR

4 July 2018 - This is to inform you that the RIPE NCC will be making some changes to their Internet Routing Registry (IRR) which may affect AFRINIC resource holders effective September 2018. Exact timelines are yet to be determined and announced.

Prior to 2012, when the AFRINIC IRR was established, a large section of AFRINIC resource holders was using the RIPE NCC IRR to maintain their route objects. Even today, many AFRINIC members continue to use the RIPE NCC IRR.

Consultation on the future structure of the ASO

2 July 2018 - Following the ASO review consultation and the presentation by the CEO at the AIS 2018 meeting in Dakar, AFRINIC’s representatives on the ASO AC/NRO NC have been asked to lead a community process to develop AFRINIC’s response to the ASO review.

The feedback on the ASO Review report outlined 18 recommendations which the NRO has resolved to accept. The first 17 recommendations are expected to be non-controversial and straightforward to implement by the NRO Secretariat, or the ASO Address Council (ASO AC).

The 18th recommendation and the reason for this process, is that “The NRO should initiate a public consultation, involving the five RIR communities, to determine the future structure of the ASO.”

We invite you all to discuss and comment in the community-discuss mailing list.  We hope to provide a report by the end of July 2018 or mid-August at the latest.

Thank you.

Fiona Asonga, Noah Maina and Omo Oaiya


Various announcements, presentations, calls for comments, etc.:

The ASO Review report:

Questions posed by the NRO EC:

CEO presentation at the AIS 2018 meeting: