2 October 2017 - AFRINIC is calling for comments on a revision to the Registration Service Agreement (RSA).  The draft revised RSA may be found here.

This revision to the RSA is necessary to allow transfers in accordance with the recently-approved policy AFPUB-2016-V4-003-DRAFT03 “IPv4 Resources transfer within the AFRINIC Region”.

A few additional changes for clarity and consistency are also incorporated into the draft revised RSA In the document here, deletions are marked with strikeout and additions are marked with underline.  Colours are used to mark different kind of changes, as follows:

  • magenta for the core changes needed to allow for transfers in accordance with adopted policies; 
  • yellow for definitions and related changes needed to allow for transfers; 
  • green for minor changes made for consistency or readability; 
  • blue for other changes. 

Comments are welcome in the community-discuss mailing list until 30 October 2017.

Le Number Resource Organization (NRO) a développé une proposition pour l'identification et la définition des risques de l'ITH en réponse à une initiative en cours de l'ICANN. Chaque registre Internet régional (RIR) est chargé de s'assurer de l'exactitude des données de son registre. Ceci est essentiel à la fiabilité des bases de données Whois des RIR qui permettent l'accès aux données publiques du Registre. Pour la mesure de l'état des données, la précision a été définie comme « complète, correcte et actuelle ». Les groupes de coordination des services d'enregistrement (RSCG) et  de l'ingénierie (ECG) ont élaboré des recommandations sur la façon dont les RIR peuvent identifier et mesurer les risques associés à l'exactitude des données du registre.

Nous recherchons maintenant des commentaires sur la proposition de projet NRO ITHI, en particulier sur la définition des risques et sur des mesures à rapporter sur l'exactitude des données du registre.


Projet de proposition: Proposition d'identification et de définition des risques de l'ITH.

La date limite pour envoyer vos commentaires: mardi 12 décembre 2017

Comment participer aux discussions:

Les commentaires et discussions de la communauté seront effectués sur la liste de diffusion ithi-consult@nro.net.

Abonnez-vous à la liste de diffusion globale à: https://www.nro.net/mailman/listinfo/ithi-consult

Points clés pour la discussion: L'approche proposée La matrice de mesure proposée


D'autres informations telles que :

  • la fréquence de mesurer,
  • l'emplacement des résultats,
  • les formats de partage des résultats.


Autres liens:


Page ICANN ITHI: www.icann.org/ithi

Présentation ITHI de l'ICANN 57: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/ithi-icann57-07nov16-en.pdf


11 October 2017 - The Number Resource Organization (NRO) has developed a proposal for ITHI risk identification and definition in response to an ongoing ICANN initiative.

Each Regional Internet Registry (RIR) is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of its registry data. This is critical to the reliability of the RIR Whois databases which provide access to the public data of the Registry. For the purposes of measuring the state of the data, accuracy has been defined as “comprehensive, correct, and current”. The Registration Services coordination (RSCG) and Engineering coordination groups (ECG) have developed recommendations for how the RIRs can identify and measure risk associated with registry data accuracy.

We are now seeking feedback on the NRO ITHI project proposal, specifically on the definition of the risks and measurements to report on registry data accuracy.

Draft Proposal: Proposal for ITHI risk identification and definitionThe deadline for providing feedback: Tuesday December 12th 2017

How to engage in discussions:

Community feedback and discussion will be conducted on the ithi-consult@nro.net mailing list.

Subscribe to the global mailing list at: https://www.nro.net/mailman/listinfo/ithi-consult

Key points for discussion:

  • The proposed approach
  • The proposed measurement matrix
  • Other information such as how often to measure, where to post results, what formats to share results

Other links:

ICANN ITHI page: www.icann.org/ithi

ITHI presentation from ICANN 57: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/ithi-icann57-07nov16-en.pdf

11 October 2017 - We wish to inform you that the ASO AC is calling for nominations to the Seat 9 on the ICANN Board of Directors.

The selected candidate will serve for a three-year term, which will begin at the conclusion of the ICANN Annual General Assembly during the ICANN 63 meeting scheduled for October 20-26, 2018, in Barcelona, Spain. The deadline for nomination is Sunday 17 December

2017 at 23:59 UTC. Find more details in the official announcement at https://aso.icann.org/aso-ac-calls-for-nominations-to-seat-9-on-the-icann-board-of-directors/

18 October 2017 - Please note that Thursday 19 October 2017 is a public holiday in Mauritius. AFRINIC Offices shall be closed and will resume business on Friday 20 October 2017.

Any urgent issues can be addressed to:

- new-member@afrinic.net for queries or clarifications regarding how to become an AFRINIC member.

- hostmaster@afrinic.net for additional resources, any general queries related to resources management.


25 October 2017 - AFRINIC is pleased to announce the FIRE Award winners 2017.

1. The EduAirBox Project

EduAir (Formerly Kwiizi) from Cameroon is the concept name to offer a better education via digital with or without the internet. Their work focuses on the design of portable and open media libraries in the form of Boxes with solar energy giving access to millions of educational content and offering an integrated communication system where learners can make video calls within the local network deployed by the Box. http://www.eduair.org

2. The Last Mile Connectivity by African Renewable Energy Distributor

The African Renewable Energy Distributor (ARED) from Rwanda has developed the Shiriki Hub, business in a box solar-powered kiosk to provide efficient distribution of digital services and offer last mile offline and online connectivity for low income people. They are using a micro franchise model to truly empower people. They developed a business in a box solar kiosk, app and software platform to bring connectivity solutions using internet WIFI, intranet solution for offline users, phone charging solutions and with their app they offer additional services such as airtime, mobile money, prepaid electricity, tax payment for people at the base of the pyramid. http://www.a-r-e-d.com

3.The Mobile Solar Computer Classroom

The Mobile Solar Computer Classroom breaks down barriers to computer literacy and internet access in remote villages in Uganda, enabling over 5,000 students and 200 community members to access the opportunities offered by technology every year.
The Mobile Solar Computer Classroom consists of an all-terrain vehicle equipped with solar panels, laptops, an internet router and 2 teachers. Taking all the equipment needed to provide computer skills lessons, the project partners with schools, community organisation and libraries to provide consistent practical and relevant computer skills trainings.http://maendeleofoundation.orgThe FIRE Award consists of a USD 3,000 cash prize plus travel and accommodation cost coverage for one representative of each project to attend the awards ceremony, and participate in sessions which will be held in Switzerland during the 2017 Internet Governance Forum

31 October 2017 - Please note that Wednesday 1 November and Thursday 2 November 2017 are public holidays in Mauritius. AFRINIC Offices shall be closed and will resume business on Friday 3 November 2017.Any urgent issues can be addressed to: