Info! Please note that this translation has been provided at best effort, for your convenience. The English page remains the official version.

22 November 2017 - The Board has noted that there is no procedure for the removal of a NRO NC/ASO AC member. The Board has drafted a procedure to be considered for addition to the election guidelines.

The Board calls for comments for a 30 day period (ending on 22 December 2017). Please comment in the community-discuss mailing list.

The draft procedure appears below.

Alan Barrett


The Board proposes the following procedure, to be considered for addition to the election guidelines

9. Removal

9.1 An NRO NC member appointed by the AFRINIC Board may be removed from office at any time by a resolution of the Board.

9.2 An NRO NC member elected by the AFRINIC community may be removed from office through any of the following methods:

(a) A supermajority vote (two-thirds) of the AFRINIC Board, meeting in person or via teleconference, at a meeting where the agenda circulated in advance includes the possible removal of an NRO NC representative.
(b) A majority vote held by the community present at an AFRINIC Public Policy Meeting.

9.3 An individual whose removal is contemplated in terms of 9.2 is entitled to at least 10 calendar days’ notice of the meeting, and may appear before and be heard at such a meeting. Removal may proceed with or without such individual’s presence at the meeting.

9.4 Any ten (10) bona fide members of the AFRINIC community may petition the Board to initiate a removal in terms of 9.2(b), giving at least 40 days’ notice and giving reasons for the contemplated removal. Such petition shall be published. Unless the Board finds that the petition is invalid or frivolous, the Board shall ensure that the agenda of the forthcoming Public Policy Meeting includes the consideration of the removal of the NRO NC member.

9.5 Eligibility to vote for the removal in terms of 9.2(b) shall be determined in the same way as the eligibility to vote for the appointment of candidates.


01 December 2017 - Consequent to the discussions by the PDWG community present at AFRINIC-27 during the Public Policy Meeting held on 30 November 2017 in Lagos, the following policy proposals have been moved to “Last Call”, starting today 01 December 2017

The last call period will be 15 calendar days.


1. IPv4 Soft Landing - bis (AFPUB-2016-V4-001-DRAFT07)

Moves to last call with the following minor modifications:

  • Reword to remove specific reference to “XLAT translators”
  • Add “including IDN ccTLDs” to

Current Version:


2. Lame Delegations in the AFRINIC rDNS (AFPUB-2017-DNS-001-DRAFT-02)

Moves to last call, as written and presented.


Current Version:


The Last Call period will end on 16 December 2017.


PDWG Co-Chairs

This is to inform the community that the period for the Call for Nominations into following has been extended till the 18th of March 2018 by 20:00 UTC.

  • the AFRINIC Board,
  • Governance Committee (GC),
  • Policy Development Appeal Committee and
  • Policy Development Working Group

Thank you.

NomCom 2018

ICANN 2018 Nominating Committee (NOMCOM) invites fresh and diverse candidates in Africa to apply for these open seats on the ICANN Board.Current Open seats include: 3 ICANN Board, 2 ALAC (At-Large Advisory Committee) Europe and North America, 1 Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) and 2 Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO). 

The application is a 2-step process with deadlines: 

  1. Expression of Interest (EoI) this is a necessary first step and must be complete by March 19, 2018. (This is a necessary first step).
  2. Following up to the EoI applicants will receive a link to the wiki to apply deadline to complete this application is March 26th, 2018.

Click on the following link to apply and for more details:

AFRINIC is announcing the call for applications for the 2018 FIRE Africa Innovation Grants. This year, the Grants categories are:

  1. 1. Women Empowerment in ICT:

New projects from organisations led by female entrepreneurs focusing on practical solution(s) that use technology to address specific challenges faced by women and girls. Three (3) grants, each amounting to $11,000 USD will be allocated in this category

  1. 2. Building Community Networks:

New projects relating to research and implementation of low-cost solutions in the form of locally owned and managed communications infrastructure that uses technologies such as wireless communications/technologies to build community networks.

Two (2) grants, each amounting to $15,000 USD will be allocated in this category.

The important dates to note:

  • Grants applications open: 15 March 2018
  • Grants applications close: 6 April 2018
  • Selection process:  9 April - 30 June 2018

For detailed information about competition categories, conditions of entry, and submission procedures, please visit or send us an email at: fireprogram[at]


29 January 2018 - AFRINIC is offering fellowships for the AFRINIC-28 Meeting to be held in Dakar, Senegal from 6 May to 11 May 2018.

The fellowship is reserved for individuals representing small organisations, universities, and media who are actively involved in Internet operations and development or ICT policies in their countries.

The fellow is expected to positively and actively contribute to IP address management awareness in the AFRINIC service region.

To qualify for the fellowship, you:

  1. Must be a resident of an African nation
  2. Don't need to be an AFRINIC member
  3. Are involved in the Internet community
  4. Are willing to report on how this fellowship has benefited you/your Organisation/country within an agreed time frame.

Upon selection, AFRINIC will notify the selected fellows directly and allow them seven (7) days to accept or reject the offer.

A public announcement of the fellowship awardees will be made after the acceptance by the selected candidates.

Please find hereafter the schedule for the fellowship process:

  • Call closes on Sunday, 18 February 2018
  • Selected fellows contacted on Friday, 09 March 2018
  • Deadline for fellowship acceptance Wednesday, 21 March 2018
  • Fellows list announced on Tuesday, 27 March 2018

The fellowship includes:

  1. Full assistance with round-trip airfare to the meeting venue
  2. Hotel accommodation for the AFRINIC event from the day before the beginning to the last day of the event

If you think you meet the criteria above, please fill in the fellowship application form at: submit it with requested information before Sunday 18 February 2018, 00:00 UTC.

Good luck and we look forward to receiving your applications!


The AFRINIC Meeting Team

January 29 2018 - Please note that Wednesday 31 January and Thursday 1 February 2018 are public holidays in Mauritius.

AFRINIC Offices shall be closed and will resume business on Friday 2 February 2018.

Any urgent issues can be addressed to:

-This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for queries or clarifications regarding how to become an AFRINIC member.

-This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for additional resources, any general queries related to resources management.