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Announcement for Call for Nominations for Seat 2 on the AFRINIC Board

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The Ad hoc Nominations Committee 2018 is pleased to announce that the AFRINIC Board Nomination process is open for Seat 2 (Western Africa).

Following the resignation of Mr Sunday Folayan from the AFRINIC Board, Seat 2 (Western Africa), the Board as per Resolution 201803.399 has appointed the Ad hoc Nominations Committee to Oversee the elections for Seat 2 at the next AGMM in May 2018 in Dakar, Senegal

We are therefore pleased to invite nominations for candidates to fill Seat 2 (Western Africa) to serve a one-year term starting from BOD’s election-day in the Annual General Members’ Meeting in 2018 till BOD’s election-day in the Annual General Members’ Meeting in 2019.
Any suitable natural person residing in the Western Africa region can be nominated provided they comply with the requirements in Section 13 of the AFRINIC by-laws.

A nominee shall:

  • Be nominated by one (1) AFRINIC member in good standing and Seconder by one (1) AFRINIC member in good standing or be formally endorsed by at least two (2) AFRINIC members in good standing (i.e. they must not have unpaid fees) in case of self-nomination. A member can nominate no more than one candidate and can second any number of candidate.
  • Have participated in at least two (2) AFRINIC events (physically or online) in the past three (3) years;
  • Have at least five (5) years professional experience in an area relevant to AFRINIC activities, such as Internet Resource Management, ICT, policy development, finance, audit or HR management;
  • Be available and committed to participate in Board meetings and other AFRINIC activities (face-to-face and online).

Kindly note the following as stipulated in Section 13.10 of the AFRINIC bylaws:

No person shall be appointed or hold office as a Director if he is a person who:

is under 18 years of age;

  1. is an undischarged bankrupt;
  2. would, but for the repeal of Section 117 of the Companies Act 1984 of Mauritius, be prohibited from being a Director or promoter of, or being concerned or taking part in the management of, a company within the meaning of that Act;
  3. is prohibited from being a director or promoter of or being concerned or taking part in the management of a company under Sections 
  4. 337 or 338 of the Act;
  5. is not a natural person; or
  6. has been adjudged to have been of unsound mind

To nominate yourself or a person of your choice, please complete the nomination form available at:

The Closure of the Candidate Nomination period is 17th April 2018 at 20:00 UTC.

Note: It is expected that candidates should be able to attend AFRINIC-28 in person on the Day of Election (10 May 2018) where they will be afforded an opportunity to introduce themselves and make a short presentation to the community during the Annual General Members Meeting. The meeting will take place in Dakar, Senegal from 6th -11th May 2018

For more information on the election process, please browse

On behalf of Douglas Onyango
Chair of the ad hoc NomCom