Call for Volunteers on the Nomination Committee (NomCom) 2022
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The Board of Directors is required to appoint a Nomination Committee (NomCom) every year, in terms of Article 9 of the AFRINIC's Bylaws <>.
For the purpose of constituting the NomCom 2022, the Board hereby makes a public call for volunteers from the African Internet community to fill three (3) open positions. The Board election process and guidelines, published at <>, provides additional information about NomCom responsibilities, the election process, and timelines.
If you are interested to serve on the NomCom 2022, then please send your expression of interest, including a short biography of yourself, by email to by 17 March 2022 (23:59 UTC).
Your attention is hereby drawn to Article 9.1 of the Bylaws which provides that "no person shall be qualified for appointment to the NomCom if he/she is a candidate for election to the Board or is domiciled in a region whose seat is open for renewal during an election". For more information about the role and functions of NomCom, please see Article 9.3 of the Bylaws.
The Board further expects NomCom members to:
- Be neutral;
- Have no interest (direct or indirect) in the results of the elections being held;
- Be trustworthy members of the AFRINIC community;
- Be able to demonstrate a good knowledge of the AFRINIC business environment;
- Be able to use their best effort to discharge their responsibilities.
Please note that members of NomCom do not receive any remuneration.
AFRINIC staff will provide logistical support to NomCom throughout its mandate. Such support includes publication of the list of nominees, a compilation of comments, mailing list moderation, website update, communication with nominees, and other duties pertaining to the roles and responsibilities of the NomCom. Travel support will also be provided for the Chairperson of the NomCom 2022 to attend the Annual General Members' Meeting (AGMM) at which the elections are to be held.
For information purposes, the following elections are to be held at the 2022 AGMM.
AFRINIC Board of Directors elections:
- Seat 1 (Northern Africa), to serve a three-year term. This seat is currently held by Professor Habib Youssef
- Seat 2 (Western Africa), to serve a three-year term. This seat is currently held by Dr Emmanuel Adewale Adedokun
- Seat 7 (region-independent), to serve a three-year term. This seat is currently held by Mr Oluwaseun Ojedeji
Governance Committee
One Governance Committee position is up for election by the AFRINIC Membership to serve a three-year term from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2025. The seat is currently held by Mr Laurent Ntumba Kayemba.
Subramanian Moonesamy
Chairman, AFRINIC Board of Directors