Call for volunteers - ad hoc NomCom for Board Seat 2

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Following the resignation of Mr Sunday Folayan from the AFRINIC Board, Seat 2 (Western Africa) is vacant.  The Board as per Resolution 201803.399 resolved to hold an election for Seat 2 at the next AGMM in May 2018 in Dakar, Senegal.

This implies that NomCom should propose a slate of candidates, and in terms of the Bylaws article 12.2(ii), the slate of candidates must be included in the notice of the meeting.  However, the current NomCom 2018 includes members who reside in Western Africa, and now there is an open seat for Western Africa, which raises a conflict with the Bylaws article 9.1.

After receiving legal advice and after providing time for AFRINIC members to comment, the Board's intention is to appoint an ad hoc NomCom to handle only the election for Seat 2, leaving the existing NomCom to handle other elections.

I hereby call for volunteers from the community to fill three open positions on an ad hoc Nomination Committee (NomCom) to finalise the list of candidates for Board Seat 2 (Western Africa) for an election to be held at the AGMM in May 2018 in Dakar, Senegal.  If you are interested in serving on the ad hoc NomCom, please send your expression of interest, including a short biography, by email to legalafrinic dot net by Tuesday 3 April 2018 at 12:00 UTC.

Alan Barrett